Our idea of a farm originated from a personal need of a better life . We intend to achieve this aim putting together our land’s love and care for the environment, with our experiences. Our work wants to increase the value of tradition, through the study and the application of production techniques, through the reintroduction of an original cultivation’s variety, through the attention dedicated to taste, beauty, and to the relationship and hospitality values.
We also intend to promote our land’s growth, with a right collaboration with all the different agencies of the area, to encourage their respective synergy, and with the realization of cultural and artistic initiatives, linked to different expressive languages.To achieve these aims we use a manufacturing process that assures the best quality of products, avoiding waste.
Social responsibility
Agricola Cignale and Corporate Social Responsibility is realized through:
The respect of:
History and traditions (the reconstruction of a rural house, the recovery of rituals linked to the seasons, the search for ancient recipes, the enhancement of sheep farming products;
The environment (the choice of green building, the use of alternative energies – geothermal and photovoltaic system, the search for biological crops and indigenous seeds, the choice of a connotation of the stay more tied to nature (the rooms with breathtaking views, natural fiber linen, the cosmetic line with olive oil);
The territory, the implementation of tourist itineraries, integration projects with other companies / institutions/ associations* for the enhancement and economic revitalization of ABRUZZO tourism.
The Sensitivity To safeguard nature and history with cooking shows, cooking workshops, involvement of guests in the various rites of agricultural production.